Great game, but not as spectacular as I was hoping for I think that if they took the best attributes of both games and combined them, you'd have the best RPG ever. Casual gamers may find it a little too big to handle. I would highly recommend this game to anyone who has the time to devote to it. They also suffer because you can't attack while mounted, and there are no skills that will increase from riding around everywhere. Unfortunately the new fast travel system makes them somewhat obsolete. There are horses in Oblivion, which is great. That said, the voice acting by those few people was excellent. Oblivion has tons of spoken dialog, which is great, but they apparently only had four voice actors. And since we're on the subject of weapons, what happened to spears and halberds? I thought it was rather strange that the sequel has fewer weapons than the older game. Morrowind had a huge selection of throwing knives, stars, darts and crossbows.

For example, the only ranged weapon in Oblivion is the bow. However, there are some things that Morrowind does better than Obl ivion. This was an excellent addition to the old Morrowind system. Depending on your level in a skill, your character (who is supremely customizable) will get special attacks or bonuses.

The new skill-level based abilities are awesome. There is also TONS of other stuff to do besides the main quest. Just like in Morrowind, the main quest is long, but it keeps you interested with a great story. The graphics are phenominal, and the fact that you can manipulate almost everything that isn't nailed down is cool. In many ways, Oblivion is way better than Morrowind. I loved it's predecessor (The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind) and I knew that this was going to be a fantastic adventure. Oblivion was my reason for buying an XBOX 360. Awesome game that could have been more awesomer.